
Revised: June 28, 2024

PDF of the current version



What’s new in this version

  • Updated the formatting to improve readability and ease of finding relevant information based on your relationship with Plex.
  • Enhanced the Privacy Rights section to centralize privacy preferences including the ability to opt-out of targeted advertising, set activity sharing preferences, and turn website cookies on/off.
  • Added a link to the Privacy Rights section to a new form to submit data access and deletion requests.
  • Added explanation of how non-Personal Data is used to train machine learning or artificial intelligence.
  • The details on data collected during activities on Services were shifted from the (now deprecated) Privacy Preferences page to this Policy.


We care about the privacy and protection of personal data. We strive to be transparent in our data collection practices while providing you with a service that you love and trust. This Privacy Policy sets forth our personal information processing policy which explains how we collect, use, and share personal data about you, and also when and how you can control what we collect and do with it. Our Privacy Policy applies to the data collected through products and services provided by Plex GmbH and its affiliates including Plex, Inc., (together, “Plex”), which include our websites, apps, and all other Plex-branded software and services (collectively, our “Services”). This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on the Plex.tv website. If we make any material changes to the Personal Data that we collect and/or how we use it, we will first obtain your consent before applying any of those changes. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes.


Your Plex Privacy Rights

You have the right to opt out of targeted advertising (*select regions only)

Plex is able to provide free-to-watch movies and shows by displaying a modest number of ads before and during playback. While it is not possible to opt out of these ads entirely, you may opt- out of Personal Data being provided to third-party advertisers.



If this functionality is available in your region, in your Plex Account Settings, “Privacy” section, click the “Update my advertising consent settings” (or similar language) link at the bottom to be taken to a page to set your advertising preferences.

You have the right to limit what activity data is sent from your Plex Media Server

  • Crash reports. In your Plex Media Server Settings, click “General” and uncheck the box next to: “Send crash reports to Plex” to disable sending crash reports to Plex.
  • Push notifications. In your Plex Media Server Settings, click “General” and uncheck the box next to: “Push Notifications” to disable notifications to your devices which could contain information about the contents of your personal library.
  • Optional playback data and Plex Media Server/Library data.



What Personal Data can Plex collect?

“Personal Data” is information that we collect that: may identify you as an individual; is reasonably associated with you; or is defined as such under applicable laws or regulations. The below lists reflect the data we require to complete the purposes listed later in the Policy (“Why Plex collects it”). Data listed as “optional” is not required and you provide that data (and any other data that we do not require) to us at your discretion.


What information does Plex collect about my activity on the Services?

Plex collects specific information about your activity on our Services and that information is linked to you.


When does Plex collect Personal Data?


Why does Plex need Personal Data?


Who does Plex share Personal Data with?


Where does Plex store Personal Data?

Plex and its authorized data processors process Personal Data primarily in the United States.


How does Plex protect Personal Data?


Does Plex collect information from children?

Plex does not knowingly collect, use, or disclose Personal Data from anyone under the age of 13. If we learn or are notified that we have collected the Personal Data of an individual under 13, we will take steps to delete that Personal Data as soon as possible. Plex parents or guardians can create managed user accounts for their children to restrict access to content based on content ratings. Learn more here.


Plex 可能会提供,您也可能会选择使用与我们的服务相关的第三方产品或服务,这些产品或服务可能包含与第三方网站、产品、服务或其他技术的链接或接口。这些系统包括由第三方(如 Braintree)运营的在线支付系统,确保您能够进行安全的在线支付。这些服务还包括与 Sonos、亚马逊 Alexa、IFTTT、Zapier、SmartThings、webhooks 等控制和回放机制的集成。任何此类第三方技术都可能收集您的信息,或使用其他服务或技术收集您的信息。这些第三方技术收集的任何信息均受这些第三方技术的隐私保护惯例管辖。Plex 与此类第三方技术无关,不对其进行控制,也不对其收集的信息负责。


More privacy questions?

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, please submit them on our contact page.

All data access or deletion requests should be submitted here.


US state-specific rights disclosures

本部分包含加利福尼亚州、科罗拉多州、康涅狄格州、犹他州和弗吉尼亚州(以下简称“某些州”)法律所要求的披露内容。 如果您是这些州的居民,隐私政策的这一部分包含法律要求的披露内容,并解释了您可能享有的权利。我们在下文中使用的“出售”和“共享”一般是指加州定义。  

Plex 收集、公开和共享的个人数据。 

下表列出了我们在过去 12 个月中收集的个人数据类别(表中的“PI”)、收集来源、收集目的以及我们向其披露和/或共享的第三方类别。 

个人资料类别 个人和在线标识符(例如姓和名、电子邮件地址(包括散列电子邮件)或独特的在线标识符)
个人资料来源 消费者、授权第三方服务 和您连接到 Plex 的社交媒体帐户、服务提供商、内容提供商、我们服务上的广告商
收集个人资料的目的 与我们与您的互动有关的审计;法律合规;在我们的服务、内容交付和推荐中提供有针对性的广告;检测和防范安全事件、欺诈和非法活动;调试;(为我们或我们的服务提供商)提供服务,如账户服务、处理订单和付款以及分析;为改进技术进行内部研究;内部运营;维护和改进我们服务的活动;以及其他一次性使用。
向其披露个人资料的第三方类别 内容提供商、服务提供商和供应商、第三方(如您连接到 Plex 的社交网络和广告合作伙伴)、分析提供商、支付处理商和政府实体
共享个人资料的第三方类别 广告技术公司和广告商


个人资料类别 付款和账单信息
个人资料来源 消费者,内容提供者
收集个人资料的目的 计费提供 Plex 订阅服务;向内容提供商支付费用
向其披露个人资料的第三方类别 支付处理商和服务提供商


个人资料类别 商业或交易信息(例如,购买、获得或考虑的服务记录)
个人资料来源 消费者,我们服务的广告商,服务提供商
收集个人资料的目的 与我们与您的互动有关的审计;法律合规;在我们的服务、内容交付和推荐中提供有针对性的广告;检测和防范安全事件、欺诈和非法活动;调试;(为我们或我们的服务提供商)提供服务,如账号服务、处理订单和付款以及分析;为改进技术进行内部研究;内部运营;维护和改进我们服务的活动;以及其他一次性使用。
向其披露个人资料的第三方类别 内容提供商、服务提供商和供应商、经授权的第三方服务和您连接到 Plex 的社交媒体账号、广告合作伙伴、分析提供商、支付处理商和政府实体。
共享个人资料的第三方类别 广告技术公司和广告商


个人资料类别 互联网或其他电子网络活动信息(如与网站、电子邮件、应用程序或广告的交互信息)
个人资料来源 消费者、我们服务上的广告商、您连接到 Plex 的第三方和社交媒体以及广告合作伙伴、服务提供商和内容提供商
收集个人资料的目的 与我们与您的互动有关的审计;法律合规;在我们的服务、内容交付和推荐中提供有针对性的广告;检测和防范安全事件、欺诈和非法活动;调试;(为我们或我们的服务提供商)提供服务,如账号服务、处理订单和付款以及分析;为改进技术进行内部研究;内部运营;维护和改进我们服务的活动;以及其他一次性使用。
向其披露个人资料的第三方类别 内容提供商、服务提供商和供应商、第三方(如您连接到 Plex 的社交网络和广告合作伙伴)、分析提供商、支付处理商和政府实体。
共享个人资料的第三方类别 广告技术公司和广告商


个人资料类别 地理位置信息(如邮政编码)
个人资料来源 消费者、服务提供商
收集个人资料的目的 与我们与您的互动有关的审计;法律合规;在我们的服务、内容交付和推荐中提供有针对性的广告;检测和防范安全事件、欺诈和非法活动;调试;(为我们或我们的服务提供商)提供服务,如账号服务、处理订单和付款以及分析;为改进技术进行内部研究;内部运营;维护和改进我们服务的活动;以及其他一次性使用。
向其披露个人资料的第三方类别 内容提供商、服务提供商和供应商、第三方(如您连接到 Plex 的社交网络和广告合作伙伴)、分析提供商、支付处理商和政府实体。
共享个人资料的第三方类别 广告技术公司和广告商。


个人资料类别 根据上述信息推断您的预测特征和偏好
个人资料来源 消费者、服务提供商和内容提供商
收集个人资料的目的 与我们与您的互动有关的审计;法律合规;在我们的服务、内容交付和推荐中提供有针对性的广告;检测和防范安全事件、欺诈和非法活动;调试;(为我们或我们的服务提供商)提供服务,如账号服务、处理订单和付款以及分析;为改进技术进行内部研究;内部运营;维护和改进我们服务的活动;以及其他一次性使用。
向其披露个人资料的第三方类别 内容提供商、服务提供商和供应商、第三方(如您连接到 Plex 的社交网络和广告合作伙伴)、分析提供商、支付处理商和政府实体。


个人资料类别 与上述个人信息相关联的有关您的其他信息(例如有关您所浏览内容的元数据、允许回放的时间戳以及与第三方内容相关的数据)
个人资料来源 您连接到 Plex 的消费者、服务提供商、第三方和社交媒体、内容提供商以及我们服务上的广告商
收集个人资料的目的 与我们与您的互动有关的审计;法律合规;在我们的服务、内容交付和推荐中提供有针对性的广告;检测和防范安全事件、欺诈和非法活动;调试;(为我们或我们的服务提供商)提供服务,如账号服务、处理订单和付款以及分析;为改进技术进行内部研究;内部运营;维护和改进我们服务的活动;以及其他一次性使用。
向其披露个人资料的第三方类别 内容提供商、服务提供商和供应商、第三方(如您连接到 Plex 的社交网络和广告合作伙伴)、分析提供商、支付处理商和政府实体。
共享个人资料的第三方类别 广告技术公司和广告商。


个人数据的保存.  Plex 将根据适用法律保留各类个人数据,并根据本隐私政策规定的处理目的合理保留必要的个人数据。  

您在个人数据方面的权利。 某些国家的居民对企业收集的个人数据享有权利。您可以就您的个人数据行使以下权利,但有某些例外和限制:

  • 确认我们是否处理您的个人数据的权利。
  • 有权更正我们收集的有关您的个人数据中的不准确之处。
  • 有权 知晓 :我们收集、使用和披露的个人数据的类别和具体内容,我们收集您的个人数据的来源类别,我们收集或出售您的个人数据的目的,我们出于商业目的披露的您的个人数据的类别,以及我们与之共享个人数据的第三方的类别;
  • 有权 要求我们删除所收集的有关您的个人数据。
  • 有权选择退出 (i) 共享个人数据用于定向广告或 (ii) 出售个人数据。 请注意,如果您选择退出某些做法,我们可能无法为您提供某些服务。 此外,我们不会故意出售或共享 16 岁以下个人的个人数据。
  • 根据您所在的州,您有权在可行的情况下获得我们所收集的您的个人数据的便携式和可随时使用的副本。
  • 根据您所在的州,您有权限制我们对某些“敏感”个人数据的处理(或者,如果您之前同意进行此类处理,则有权撤销同意)。
  • 不因行使这些隐私权而受到歧视待遇 的权 利。

To exercise any of the above rights, please visit “Your Plex Privacy Rights”.

除 CCPA 允许的目的外,我们不会使用或披露敏感个人信息。

我们可能会要求提供更多信息,以核实您的请求,从而行使您的权利或了解您请求的范围。您无需在我们这里创建账号即可提交请求或满足请求。如果您拥有账号,我们将要求您通过与账号关联的电子邮件地址提交申请。您可以指定授权代理代表您提出申请,方法是通过与您的账号关联的电子邮件提交申请,并提供代理的 Plex 用户名或电子邮件地址。 

If you have submitted a request that you feel we have not reasonably fulfilled, you may contact us to appeal our decision by emailing us.


What information does Plex collect from my Plex Media Server?

Plex understands that you have personal content that you store using the Plex Media Server software (“Personal Content”).

Plex collects the following Personal Data from your Plex Media Server: email, IP address and username.

Plex does NOT share information about your Personal Content with third parties.

Plex does NOT collect:

  • 您个人内容的内容标题。
  • Filenames EXCEPT those that may be collected through optional crash reports.
  • Metadata for Personal Content (e.g., information about the specific file, cover art, subtitles, running length, etc.) EXCEPT to customize viewed content syncing to enhance your account or if you have enabled metadata matching capabilities in which case such data will be anonymously sent to us or you have integrated with a third-party control or playback mechanism that requires us to access your metadata to play the relevant content (e.g., if you use Amazon Alexa to play a particular song or movie from your Personal Content, then our Services may search your Personal Content metadata in order to find and play the song or movie requested.)
  • Data transferred through the Plex Relay Service. If you use the Plex Relay Service to connect or stream your Personal Content to another device, we will transfer the data necessary to perform the service. All such traffic is encrypted from end-to-end in a manner that makes it impossible for Plex or the Plex Relay Service to decrypt or view any data. The data transferred via the Plex Relay Service is not stored by Plex except for the temporary buffering of data required to provide you with an optimal streaming experience. You can disable the Plex Relay Service by turning off the “Enable Relay” preference in the “Network” section of your Plex Media Server Settings.

Plex 收集:

  • Configuration data. Information about your configuration or use of our Services when you create a Plex Media Server on a local device, connect to a Plex Media Server that you or another person have configured, or download or connect to a Plex app, or interact with or use other Plex software or Service. This information may include an IP address, the number of files, and information used to secure access to our Services.
  • Activity data. Information about your activity as described in “What information does Plex collect about my activity on the Services?


What information does Plex either anonymize or aggregate?

Certain activity information is either anonymized or made part of an aggregated set of information. This means that it cannot be linked to you. These activities are:



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