March 25, 2008

XBMC and Google Summer of Code

XBMC is participating in the most excellent Google Summer of Code this year. You can see a list of some ideas for projects over here and discuss in the forum....

March 25, 2008

More Python goodness

I fixed a few more issues with Python, and now Apple Movies Trailers work! Browsing, playing, it all works. I did need to replace some of the Python libraries in...

March 22, 2008

Good news and bad news

The good news is that I’ve made substantial progress in getting Python to work in OSXBMC. The bad news? I’m now addicted to the Tetris script and likely won’t get...

March 21, 2008

Working on Python and VFS

Why so quiet lately? I’ve been working on a tool that processing Mach-O shared libraries and remaps symbols, so that libraries that we load inside OSXBMC call our own versions...

March 17, 2008

Release 0.1.7: A Few Small Repairs

I had a bit of time to patch a few holes, so hopefully this will fix some issues with the last release. This version is also built with the new...

March 15, 2008

Family in Town

My dad has been in town for the last week, hence the lack of updates. I need a few days to take care of things that have fallen by the...

March 10, 2008

All checked in

If you want to build the source yourself, you should be able to replicate my latest build now. If you’re interested in helping out, let me know, as I have...

March 8, 2008

Release 0.1.6: For RAW lovers

A few quick changes, so that I can go off and enjoy the weekend…the release can be downloaded here. NEW: Improved handling of situations where display refresh rate < video...

March 8, 2008

Some Thoughts on 1080p

After reading John’s excellent post over here, I got to thinking about 1080p content (or “difficult” content, really) and how we might be able to better handle it. To begin,...

March 7, 2008

Release 0.1.5: No more fast video

I’m pretty drunk, so there’s a good chance that I’ll screw up this release, but I’ll give it a good run. This is mostly a bug-fix release, with a few...

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