

Keith Valory


Keith Valory is CEO of Plex, the largest independent video on demand and streaming media platform, with hundreds of live TV channels and thousands of on-demand movies and TV episodes, available globally in 193 countries. Keith has nearly two decades of experience in executive and founding member positions spanning several industries. Prior to Plex, Keith was COO of Bracket Computing (acquired by VMware) where he was responsible for corporate strategy and all business operations, including finance, business development, legal, operations, human resources, and information technology. Previously Keith spent five years at Cisco in various executive positions including running strategy and operations for the $2B Security Group, where he was responsible for business acquisition planning and execution, go-to-market planning and strategy, program management, business operations, and acquisition integration. Keith was the Vice President of Corporate Development and General Counsel at IronPort Systems, Inc., which was acquired by Cisco for $830M in 2007. Keith started his technology career as an associate at Venture Law Group where he represented technology companies on venture financing, mergers and acquisitions, public offerings, licensing transactions and regulatory compliance.

Scott Olechowski


Scott Olechowski 负责推动 Plex 个人媒体软件和服务的综合产品策略、产品管理和业务开发。

在过去的十五年中,Scott 将他的创业技巧和精神应用于一些以互联网为重点的新兴企业。他曾在Cisco、PostX 和 IronPort 等众多知名品牌担任主管职位,在产品战略、业务发展、市场营销以及国际销售方面具有丰富的专业经验。他是密码学方面的专家,拥有 6 项加密和认证专利,并且是 Cisco 全球威胁情报业务的技术和思想领导者。大学毕业后,他与合伙人共同创办了一家视频软件公司,开创了视频证言和官方转录同步的先河,大大提高了审判律师的定罪率。

Christa Foley


Christa Foley 负责在 Plex 发展过程中维护公司的文化和价值观,引进符合 Plex 价值观的顶级人才,并确保所有人力资源流程以人为本。在加入 Plex 之前,Christa 在 工作了 16 年,担任品牌愿景和文化高级总监,同时兼任人才招聘主管。在那里,她在制定公司的核心价值观和创建核心价值观面试评估工作中扮演了关键角色。她还曾经主导 Zappos Insights,这是 Zappos 旗下的一个 B2B 业务,与其他组织分享 Zappos 在公司文化、客户服务和人员/人力资源方面的方法。在 Zappos 之前,她在人事行业工作了 8 年,曾在 Olsten Staffing、Adecco 和 The Eastridge Group 供职。

Scott Hancock


Scott Hancock 负责制定和执行营销策略和计划,并管理所有营销业务,包括广告、影响者市场、媒体关系、活动和创意服务。在加入 Plex 之前,Scott 曾担任惠普公司的全球销售渠道总监。他还担任过 Palm Inc. 的营销传播总监,直到该公司被惠普收购。此前,他还在广告营销机构 AKQA、Beeline 集团和 Goldberg Moser O'Neill 担任过客户经理职位。

Shawn Eldridge


Shawn Eldridge 负责制定策略,与合作伙伴形成联盟,协调产品分销。在加入 Plex 之前,Shawn 曾担任 DeepNines Technologies 的产品、业务开发和营销副总裁,负责管理全球战略发展、市场营销和产品管理、公共关系和业务发展。Eldridge 还在 BorderWare Technologies、IronPort(Cisco 系统的一个业务部门)和 PostX Corporation 担任过业务开发、产品和战略方面的管理职位。


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