Category: Plex Media Player

March 9, 2011

Coming Attractions (part 1)

We’ve been working hard on the next release of Plex, which will be out very shortly, and we wanted to take some time to go over some of the features...

August 27, 2010

Showing a bit of skin…

One of the other frequently asked questions we get is “what is the status of skins for Plex/Nine?” The answer, which I’m going to illustrate with a bunch of screenshots...

March 24, 2010

The Road to Alexandria (part 1): Introduction

(First of all, a sincere apology for not writing sooner. Communication is important, and I’ve sorely lapsed in my communication with the Plex community. This may have appeared as a...

March 8, 2010

New Plug-in releases for March 8th

Some more plug-in releases for you fine folk this week. For those more interested in local content, stay tuned for some upcoming posts on the new Media Library (code name:...

February 15, 2010

New Plug-in releases for Febuary 15th

NBC Olympics – Written by Jonny Wray View exclusive Highlights, Recaps, Interviews, News, Results, Features and Athlete Bios from Flickr – Written by Ian.G and Jonny Wray Flickr is...

January 15, 2010

Interview with CrunchGear

Nicholas Deleon from CrunchGear was kind enough to spend the time to run an interview on Plex past, present, and future. If that’s your thing, check it out.

January 6, 2010

New Plug-in releases for January 6th

We’ve got some great new plug-ins to share with you this week, thanks as usual to Isaac for coordinating the release and to all the developers for all their hard...

December 22, 2009

New Plug-in releases for December 22nd

Writen by chhitz Dieses Plug-in bietet den Zugriff auf die Inhalte auf dem SF Videoportal ( Verfügbar sind die meisten deutschen Eigenproduktionen des Schweizer Fernsehens. Über die Einstellungen stehen 4...

November 22, 2009

Does a Snow Leopard have Spots?

OK, so we always try to make sure a plug-in is robust and fully stable before publishing it to the App Store, but we’re going to make an exception in...

October 23, 2009

Snow Leopard thaws to the Apple Remote, thanks to Remote Buddy Author

One of our biggest disappointments with Snow Leopard was the fact that third party support for the Apple Remote was changed (or broken), and applications like Plex, EyeTV and VLC...

The Best of Plex

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The Best of Plex

Coming Attractions (part 1) is a premium feature and requires a Plex Pass subscription.

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Level up your music library with 60 million high-quality songs.

TIDAL is seamlessly integrated with your existing music library — beautifully organized right in Plex.