Category: Android

September 26, 2017

All the News That’s Fit to Plex

Today we’re rolling out an awesome addition to your balanced media diet: Plex News. It’s the perfect complement to your media library — video news from some of the most...

August 31, 2017

Put your photos on the map

UPDATE: This feature is no longer available on Plex. Since we’ve advanced to the point where every episode of Black Mirror (or for those more vintage, Twilight Zone) feels hauntingly...

August 2, 2017

Control Time and Space (Sort of)

Who here hasn’t dreamt of being a Time Lord? And who among us hasn’t watched endless YouTube videos in search of that elusive 1.21 gigawatt mod for their Honda Civic?...

June 13, 2017

Open and play any video file on Android!

Ever save a video file, try to play it, and couldn’t open it? Did you scream and throw your phone out of a moving car? Did you try downloading five...

1 november 2016

Trick or Stream!

If you’re wondering how frighteningly busy (warning: we still have lots of terrible Halloween puns on the brain) we’ve been this past month, you needn’t look further than our Release...

May 31, 2016

Plex Gazette: May Edition

Hello Plexians! We just thought we’d take a quick break from all the hard work and let you know what we’ve been up to for the last few weeks. We’ll...

July 16, 2015

Plex for Android’s Material Design makeover

Don’t stop me, I know what you’re thinking: How could the Android app possibly get any sexier than it already is? It’s like Ryan Gosling suddenly getting a Michelin star,...

March 27, 2015

Major updates to our Android app!

It’s been a few months since we last visited with Android, and we’d like to let you know about a major new release we just made. That’s right, our app...

December 12, 2014

Playlists come to Android!

Dear Android users, Well, iOS has had playlists long enough for those goatee-wearing, grass-fed lard eating hipsters to get quite smug about it, so we’ve decided it was finally time...

July 16, 2014

Plex App Sale!

We hope you’re having a fun summer (if you’re in the northern hemisphere), or a cozy winter (if you’re not)! We’re hunkered down, coding our brains out on some stuff...

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Het beste van Plex

All the News That’s Fit to Plex is a premium feature and requires a Plex Pass subscription.

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