Plex Blog

January 15, 2008

New download link and instructions

The file is now hosted on cullman’s XBMC Trac server, and you can download it from there. In order to run the release, you need to do the following:

  • Not own a Mac Mini, because the OpenGL code doesn’t support it yet without a patch.
  • Edit UserData/sources.xml and add some sources (see this page for how it should look). Also note that we don’t support SMB yet, but that doesn’t matter, since you can mount a SMB share with Leopard. Note that Z:/ is mapped to /tmp/XBMC, so put some symbolic links in there.
  • Boot up XBMC and go to Settings -> System -> Audio Hardware and set your output (by default set to “Built-in Speaker” to where you want your audio to go.

That should be it.

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