Privacy Policy – 2020

Revised January 1, 2020

Thank you for using Plex! We here at Plex care deeply about your privacy, and we strive to ensure that your personal information always stays safe while we work hard to provide you a service you love and trust. Our Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and transfer your information, and how you can control the use of the information that we collect. This Privacy Policy applies to all our products and services, including Plex client apps, streaming content to the Plex client apps, our premium Plex Pass service, Plex Media Server software, and all other Plex software and services (collectively, our “Services”). Your personal content is stored on your personal hardware (“Personal Content”). Except in the limited circumstances described below, we do not collect filenames or content titles of your Personal Content. We do, however, keep usage statistics to allow us to better serve you and improve our Services. We may use information about how you use our Services to run and improve our Services, to provide, customize, and personalize communications and other content that we deliver or offer to you. This is discussed in detail below.






  1. 个人信息资料。您可能需要在创建帐户或编辑帐户信息时向我们提供个人信息资料,例如,您的电子邮件地址、用户名、个人照片和密码。您在注册付费服务时也可能向我们提供您的付款信息。
  2. Information from External Services. If you choose to connect your account to an account of an external service, such as a social networking site, we may collect certain information from those accounts, such as your name and email address as well as data required to connect to that service. You may provide such authorization during the connection process, or it may be implicit in the service authorization itself. For example, if you choose to connect your Plex account to a social networking account, we may collect your public profile information if you agree to the collection of this information during the connection process.
  3. Metadata for Personal Content. Except for certain exceptions such as Third-Party Control and Playback Mechanisms and image analysis (i.e., metadata about photos when these features are user-enabled, such as geotag information or scene recognition analysis), as described below, we do not collect or store metadata (information about the specific file, cover art, subtitles, running length, etc.) for Personal Content stored on your personal Plex Media Server. However, your Plex Media Server may anonymously send us filenames or other identifiers for your Personal Content for the sole purpose of providing metadata back to your personal Plex Media Server. You may disable this metadata matching capability.
  4. 具有第三方控制和回放机制的个人内容集成元数据。 我们也会提供具有第三方控制和回放机制的集成服务,比如Sonos、Amazon Alexa、IFTTT、Zapier、SmartThings、webhook等。为提供此类集成服务,我们会为您的个人内容收集需要与第三方控制和播放机制集成的元数据。例如,如果您在家使用亚马逊Alexa播放您账户中的特定歌曲或电影,我们的服务就会搜索您的个人内容,查找并播放您要求的歌曲或电影。您向第三方控制或者播放机制提供的信息不受隐私条款保护。
  5. 个人内容使用情况统计信息。我们可能会收集个人内容使用统计信息。包括有关您与服务交互的信息,例如,设备信息、持续时间、比特率、媒体格式、分辨率和媒体类型(音乐、照片、视频等)。如有可能,我们会概括这些信息以避免识别您的个人内容。使用情况统计信息不包括特定的内容标题或文件名。我们可能会使用与您使用服务有关的信息来运行和改进我们的服务,以便为您提供通讯信息及其他内容,并对此类内容进行定制化和个性化处理。
  6. Data Related to Third-Party Content. When you use the Services to watch, listen to, or record content from a third-party content provider or source such as any officially supported Third-Party Content that Plex streams to Plex apps, trailers and extras from Internet Video Archive (IVA), or use of our Live TV and DVR service, we may collect information related to that media interaction. For example, we may collect what program or movie you are watching and when, your interaction with any static or video advertising, etc. We may also collect your device information and device location, for example, by using your IP address or by asking for your zip code. We may use this information to run and improve our Services, provide advertising and marketing to you, as well as share anonymous or aggregated versions of the data with third parties.
  7. Information about integrated Third-Party Services. We may collect information about your use of third-party services for reporting to these partners and calculating the fees that we owe them. For example, we report the number of trailers and extras viewed to IVA. We may also collect information about third party services and your use of those services in order to serve video content and advertisements via features that rely on third party providers. This information can include the metadata needed to serve advertising.
  8. Information on our Services. We may store information about your configuration or use of our Services when you create a Plex Media Server on a local device, connect to a Plex Media Server that you or another person has configured, or download or connect to a Plex app, or interact with or use other Plex software or Service. This information may include an IP address and port number(s), the name of a Plex Media Server, and information used to secure access to our Services.
  9. 关于接口软件的信息。 “接口软件”包括但不限于服务插件、通道插件、元数据代理以及直接或间接与云服务通信的客户端应用程序。作为云服务的一部分,我们可能会存储您提供给Plex的接口软件的副本,并访问或调用Plex提供的任何软件。
  10. 调试信息和其他自愿提供的信息。您可以向我们发送有关您的设备、媒体和体验的日志、元数据或其他信息,以解决您可能遇到的问题,或者在提出建议说明您还期待那些功能。如果条件允许,我们会在客户端应用程序上提供选择不发送错误报告的功能。如果您想了解更多在错误报告中发送的信息,我们建议您查看用于访问Plex Services的第三方客户端应用程序的隐私政策。发送给我们的信息仅用于帮助解决您的问题和/或改进我们的服务。当您使用我们的服务并向我们提供此类信息,即表示您同意我们使用此类信息。
  11. 设备信息。与许多在线服务一样,我们可能会收集与访问我们服务器的设备有关的信息,例如,设备的IP地址、设备的操作系统和版本、用于访问Plex网页的浏览器、以及您使用的Plex技术的版本。我们可能也会收集访问我们服务器的设备的位置信息。
  12. 申请信息。当向Plex Media Server发送对信息或内容的请求时,我们可能会收集应用程序标识符,确定哪一个应用程序发送了请求。一个应用程序标识符标识一个应用程序的特定副本。例如,如果您从Plex下载应用程序,完全卸载该应用程序的副本,然后再从Plex重新下载应用程序,此时的标识符与之前卸载的应用程序的标识符是不同的。请注意,若简单地删除应用程序而不是完全卸载,则该应用程序标识符可能不会重置。
  13. Plex中继服务。我们可能会提供Plex中继服务,您可以选择使用Plex中继服务将您的个人内容连接或传输至其他设备。如果您选择使用Plex中继服务,我们将传输必要数据,以便提供服务。此类数据传输都以端对端加密的方式进行加密,Plex或Plex中继服务无法解密或查看任何数据。除非需要数据临时缓冲以提供理想流媒体传输体验,Plex不会储存通过Plex中继服务传输的数据。您可以通过关闭服务器设置中的远程访问来禁用Plex中继服务。
  14. Cookie和其他跟踪技术。像许多在线服务一样,Plex使用Cookie、跟踪像素和其他类似的技术来收集信息,以帮助我们向您提供我们的服务。我们还使用这些技术来向您和其他客户推销我们的产品和服务。有关这些技术的更多信息以及如何控制这些技术,请参阅跟踪技术的详细说明
  15. 获得同意。如果我们提供或曾经提供的任何产品或者功能发生改变,以及为了使用该产品或功能,需要对隐私政策未涵盖的信息收集和/或使用权限(包括个人内容)进行重大更改,我们将在收集和/或使用之前征得您的同意。
  16. 您收集的信息。如需查看、修改、删除或更正您的收集信息,请联系Plex支持服务。您的所有请求将在一个月内收到回复。


  1. Plex processes and uses Collected Information with your consent, you can withdraw your consent by updating your privacy settings or closing your account. Plex also processes Collected Information when it needs to do so to fulfill a contract with you to provide you services, in its legitimate interest to aid in developing and improving the services, or when required by law. If you do not want to provide certain information to us in order to fulfil our agreement with you to provide the services, we may not be able to provide you the fullest version of our services.
  2. 我们使用收集到的信息为您提供并改进服务,增强用户体验,促进与您之间的沟通。例如,对于第三方内容,我们使用有关您与服务互动的信息,追踪已关联到服务的设备,跟踪媒体项目的观看状态。我们使用此类信息确保您可以在关联的Plex设备上继续观看您之前观看的视频。
  3. 我们使用您的个人信息资料与您联系,通知您的账户情况、Plex新功能以及某些Plex新闻和信息。您可以通过编辑帐户设置,选择某些类型的通讯。
  4. 如果您选择将Plex帐户关联到第三方帐户或服务,让我们和/或第三方提供特定功能或服务,我们将向该外部服务提供我们和/或第三方履行请求功能或服务的相关信息。例如,如果您将帐户关联到社交网站并授权我们代表您发帖,我们如实履行。此外,除非您要求或许可我们发布其他信息,否则已发布帖子的内容将仅限于描述您与服务的互动。再例如,如果您选择让我们向Last.fm发送(或“记录并推荐”)收听历史记录,从第三方服务获取元数据或使用第三方推荐服务,我们将使用收集信息与在您请求该服务时,与该服务接洽并/或将收集的信息发送到该服务。共享信息包括媒体相关元数据(诸如标题、持续时间、作者、封面艺术、与媒体关联的日期以及其他相关信息)以及关于媒体本身的信息(诸如分辨率、传输速率、格式、位置等等)。
  5. 当您提供许可、要求我们这样做时,我们会使用与个人内容相关的收集信息,并在必要时提供您要求的服务。
  6. 我们使用与第三方内容相关的收集信息,以便我们和我们的合作商运营个性化营销、广告和向您提供的内容。例如,我们可能会使用或分享与第三方内容有关的收集信息,这些信息是为视频内容和广告提供服务的必需信息,包括内容的来源、有关内容的完整信息(包括标题、设备标识符、您消费的时间和地点、用户信息、IP地址等)。我们也共享视频或音频广告服务所需的元数据。
  7. 我们还会与处理付款的合作商共享付款信息来处理您订购的任何服务的付款。
  8. Plex可能按照隐私条款中列出的规定分享收集信息,包括以下几种限定情况:
    1. 协助我们的第三方向您提供我们的服务,例如处理付款,提供商务和分析,提供内容,营销以及提供云服务,但我们要求我们的第三方仅将您的信息用于提供用户要求服务的目的并且符合隐私条款相关规定。
    2. 当(a)适用法律、法规、法律程序或可执行的政府法令需要;或(b)有利于保护Plex和公众的财产、安全和权益时,我们认为公布信息是合理且必要的。
    3. 涉及Plex的合并、收购、破产、解散、重组或其他类似交易行为,以及其他涉及到Plex,需要信息传输的程序。
    4. 如果您的信息属于非私有、聚合、匿名或非个人信息,例如,对统计数据和趋势回顾的匿名和/或聚合使用。
    5. 代表我们由第三方改进服务并向您发送广告。
    6. 如果您要求或同意我们与第三方共享所收集到的信息。
  9. 我们可能会将自动决策应用于收集信息,向您推荐我们认为您可能感兴趣的内容。
  10. We will not share with third parties for their use or sell Collected Information about your Personal Content.


  1. In order to help keep your media secure, we provide publicly trusted TLS certificates for end-to-end encrypted connections among all of our servers, Services, and client applications. For more information, please review our support article on the topic.
  2. 我们已采取商业上合理的物理、电子和组织程序来保护和加密我们收集的信息。例如,将密码信息存储在我们的服务器上,并使用散列和加密技术进行保护。
  3. We do not store any of your payment or credit card information on our servers. The data is encrypted and securely stored by an independent company, Braintree, which provides payment-processing services for Plex. Please review the Braintree Security Policy for more information.


  1. Plex提供与我们服务相关的第三方产品或服务供您选择。这些产品或服务可能包含第三方网站、产品、服务或其他技术的链接或界面。任何此类第三方技术都可能会收集您的信息,或者使用其他服务或技术收集您的信息。这些第三方技术收集的信息都受到第三方技术隐私规范的约束。 Plex无法控制第三方技术收集的信息,也不会因此而承担任何责任。


  1. 我们不会蓄意收集13岁以下儿童的个人信息。如果我们得知自身已经收集了13岁以下儿童的个人信息,我们将尽快采取措施删除此类信息。







  1. 访问Plex网站的设置页面即可更改您的个人资料信息。
  2. 将您的帐户关联到外部网站的另一个帐户(例如社交网站)或取消关联。
  3. 删除您的帐户。您可以在设置页面中选择删除您的账户选项,来删除您的帐户。在收到请求后,我们尽快删除您的信息,但我们可能会根据法律要求保留您的信息的存档副本。
  4. 联系Plex支持此处




You have the following choices regarding how we and third parties use certain information collected from or about you. We are committed to complying with the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”) Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral Advertising and the DAA Application of Self-Regulatory Principles for the Mobile Environment.

  1. 从促销信息中退出
    1. 您可以通过访问您的帐户,在Plex网站上选择设置,然后在新闻快讯部分点击“取消订阅”,选择停止接收我们的营销通讯。您也可以通过点击特定促销信息中的“取消订阅”链接退订某些促销信息。请注意,您不能拒绝接收我们的所有通信,包括管理信息、服务通告以及与您的帐户条款和条件有关的信息。
    2. 您可以选择在设备上接收来自Plex的推送通知。如果您不希望收到推送通知,则可以使用设备的设置功能将其关闭。
  2. 退订选项页。请访问退订选项页面,了解向您提供的有关第三方在线行为或基于兴趣的广告以及任何特定第三方广告公司的退订信息。
  3. 共享观看内容选项。我们可能需要您同意让Plex与我们的内容程序员、服务提供商和其他第三方共享您的第三方媒体消费信息以及您的个人信息。如果需要征求您的同意,我们会通过更新您的帐户设置为您提供查看或更改您的同意偏好的方法。
  4. Opt-Out of Playback Statistics. You may choose to opt-out of sharing the playback statistics for Personal Local Content that you store on your personal Plex Media Server by updating your Privacy Preferences.
  5. Opt-Out for Digital Advertising. Plex may also use third-party advertising companies to serve ads, which may, directly or indirectly, collect or use information about user visits to websites and mobile app usage over time and across non-affiliated websites and mobile apps to display advertisements more tailored to users’ interests on this browser or device, and those browsers or devices associated with it. A user can visit and/or download the appropriate version the AppChoices app at if a user wishes to learn more about this practice or would like to know more about his/her choices regarding that activity by companies participating in those choice tools. Please visit the Opt-Out Options for Third-Party Advertising page for any specific third party advertising companies’ opt-out information.
  6. Withdraw Consent. You can withdraw your consent to our processing of personal information by updating your privacy settings, or closing your account.

California Privacy Rights

This section contains disclosures required by the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and applies only to “personal information” that is subject to the CCPA. Consumers with disabilities may access this notice by using a standard screen reader application.

Personal Information We Collect and Disclose for a Business Purpose. We collect the categories of personal information about California consumers identified here. As further set forth, in the past 12 months, we have disclosed California consumers’ personal information to third parties for business or commercial purposes. The following categories of personal information have been collected in the last 12 months.

Personal and online identifiers (such as first and last name, email address, or unique online identifiers)

  • Categories of sources from which information is collected: Consumers, service providers, third parties and social media you connect to Plex, content providers, advertisers on our Services
  • Business or commercial purposes for collection, use, and sharing: Auditing related to our interactions with you; Legal compliance; Provide advertising on our Services; Content delivery and recommendations; Detecting and protecting against security incidents, fraud, and illegal activity; Debugging; Performing services (for us or our service provider) such as account servicing, processing orders and payments, and analytics; Internal research for technological improvement; Internal operations; Activities to maintain and improve our services; and Other one-time uses.
  • Disclosed for business purposes to the following categories of third parties: Content providers; service providers and vendors; third parties, such as social networks, you connect to Plex; analytics providers; payment processors; and government entities.

Categories of Personal Information Categories of information described in Section 1798.80(e) of the California Civil Code (such as payment information)

  • Categories of sources from which information is collected: Consumers
  • Business or commercial purposes for collection, use, and sharing: Billing to provide you with your subscription services.
  • Disclosed for business purposes to the following categories of third parties: Payment processors and service providers.

Categories of Personal Information Commercial or transactions information (such as records of products or services purchased, obtained or considered)

  • Categories of sources from which information is collected: Consumers, advertisers on our Services, service providers
  • Business or commercial purposes for collection, use, and sharing: Auditing related to our interactions with you; Legal compliance; Provide advertising on our Services, Content delivery and recommendations; Detecting and protecting against security incidents, fraud, and illegal activity; Debugging; Performing services (for us or our service provider) such as account servicing, processing orders and payments, and analytics; Internal research for technological improvement; Internal operations; Activities to maintain and improve our services; and Other one-time uses.
  • Disclosed for business purposes to the following categories of third parties: Content providers; service providers and vendors; third parties, such as social networks, you connect to Plex; analytics providers; payment processors; and government entities.


  • Categories of sources from which information is collected: Consumers, advertisers on our Services, third parties and social media you connect to Plex, service providers, and content providers
  • Business or commercial purposes for collection, use, and sharing: Auditing related to our interactions with you; Legal compliance; Provide advertising on our Services, Content delivery and recommendations; Detecting and protecting against security incidents, fraud, and illegal activity; Debugging; Performing services (for us or our service provider) such as account servicing, processing orders and payments, and analytics; Internal research for technological improvement; Internal operations; Activities to maintain and improve our services; and Other one-time uses.
  • Disclosed for business purposes to the following categories of third parties: Content providers; service providers and vendors; third parties, such as social networks, you connect to Plex; analytics providers; payment processors; and government entities.


  • Categories of sources from which information is collected: Consumers, service providers
  • Business or commercial purposes for collection, use, and sharing: Auditing related to our interactions with you; Legal compliance; Provide advertising on our Services; Content delivery and recommendations; Detecting and protecting against security incidents, fraud, and illegal activity; Debugging; Performing services (for us or our service provider) such as account servicing, processing orders and payments, and analytics; Internal research for technological improvement; Internal operations; Activities to maintain and improve our services; and Other one-time uses.
  • Disclosed for business purposes to the following categories of third parties: Content providers; service providers and vendors; third parties, such as social networks, you connect to Plex; analytics providers; payment processors; and government entities.


  • Categories of sources from which information is collected: Consumers, service providers, and content providers
  • Business or commercial purposes for collection, use, and sharing: Auditing related to our interactions with you; Legal compliance; Provide advertising on our Services; Content delivery and recommendations; Detecting and protecting against security incidents, fraud, and illegal activity; Debugging; Performing services (for us or our service provider) such as account servicing, processing orders and payments, and analytics; Internal research for technological improvement; Internal operations; Activities to maintain and improve our services; and Other one-time uses.
  • Disclosed for business purposes to the following categories of third parties: Content providers; service providers and vendors; third parties, such as social networks, you connect to Plex; analytics providers; payment processors; and government entities.


  • Categories of sources from which information is collected: Consumers, service providers, third parties and social media you connect to Plex, content providers, and advertisers on our Services
  • Business or commercial purposes for collection, use, and sharing: Auditing related to our interactions with you; Legal compliance; Provide advertising on our Services; Content delivery and recommendations; Detecting and protecting against security incidents, fraud, and illegal activity; Debugging; Performing services (for us or our service provider) such as account servicing, processing orders and payments, and analytics; Internal research for technological improvement; Internal operations; Activities to maintain and improve our services; and Other one-time uses.
  • Disclosed for business purposes to the following categories of third parties: Content providers; service providers and vendors; third parties, such as social networks, you connect to Plex; analytics providers; payment processors; and government entities.

Your Rights Regarding Personal Information. California residents have certain rights with respect to the personal information collected by businesses. If you are a California resident, you may exercise the following rights regarding your personal information, subject to certain exceptions and limitations:

  • The right to know the categories and specific pieces of personal information we collect, use, disclose, the categories of sources from which we collected your personal information, our purposes for collecting or selling your personal information, the categories of your personal information that we have disclosed for a business purpose, and the categories of third parties with which we have shared personal information;
  • The right to request that we delete the personal information we have collected from you or maintain about you.
  • The right not to receive discriminatory treatment for the exercise of the privacy rights conferred by the CCPA.

To exercise any of the above rights, please contact us using the following information and submit the required verifying information, by contacting Plex Support here.
We may require additional information to verify your requests to exercise your rights or understand the scope of your request, although you will not be required to create an account with us to submit a request or have it fulfilled. If you do have an account, we will require you to submit your request from the email address associated with your account. You may designate an authorized agent to make a CCPA request on your behalf by submitting a request from the email associated with your account and providing the Plex username or email address of your agent. We do not sell personal information collected through our service, including not knowingly selling personal information about consumers under the age of 16.


本隐私政策管理由瑞士公司Plex GmbH及其关联公司,包括特拉华州公司Plex,Inc.(统称“Plex”)提供的服务。

Plex GmbH,Hansmatt 32,6370 Stans,Nidwalden,瑞士

Plex Inc,449 N Santa Cruz Ave,Los Gatos,CA 95030


Plex’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted at [email protected].




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Privacy Policy – 2020 is a premium feature and requires a Plex Pass subscription.
