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Hey audiophile, just add your music files to Plex and we’ll automatically organize all of your songs and albums, providing beautiful cover art, artist bios, tour details, genres, and more. And that's just the start of it.
Setup is easy with our step-by-step wizard, you’ll be streaming your media in no time.
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We support tons of different file types.
Enjoy your media on all of your devices
Catalog your music library so you can always find the track you’ve been humming. And, Plex supports playback of virtually any music file format, including lossless types like FLAC.
Have an enormous music collection? With our unrivaled device support, stream any (and all) of YOUR songs to any device you like and rock on with the finest lossless quality. Plex is the easiest way to access your entire library for Sonos and Alexa-enabled smart speakers, in addition to pretty much any device you can imagine.
Enjoy premium music features, like automatic lyrics for your tracks, Loudness Leveling, Sweet Fades, and visualizers. Plex also gives you best-in-class artist bios and album reviews, not to mention beautiful artwork. Audio fingerprinting helps Plex recognize your music files so it can identify the track and album where your filename may have failed you. Avoid that pesky “Track 1” or “Unknown Artist” in your library!
Don't know what to listen to? Kick off a Library Radio to enjoy the best of the music in your library or go on a whirlwind, genre-bending trip through the history of your music collection with Time Travel Radio. Want something really relaxing? Browse your library by album or artist mood and find exactly what you're looking for.
What you need to download Plex media server by platform, and the Plex app on all your devices.
TIDAL is seamlessly integrated with your existing music library — beautifully organized right in Plex.