Category: Your Media

April 27, 2008

Accessing your iTunes library

I’ve read about a few ways of doing this, but this evening it occurred to me that using iTunesFS might be really easy and work quite well. Sure enough, load...

April 23, 2008

Survey Results and Status

We’ve gotten over 1200 responses on the survey, and I wanted to start by just thanking everyone for taking the time to complete it (and cullman for suggesting the idea...

April 12, 2008

A Quick 1080p Tip

For some reason, OS X seems to be reluctant to output 1080p to TVs, and usually defaults to 1080i. At first I thought it was the cable (a 50′ HDMI...

March 30, 2008

Release 0.4.0: Python and Virtual File System

It’s been hell trying to get anything done lately. A friend is in town getting married and we’ve been partaking in all the wedding activities, which involve an ungodly amount...

March 8, 2008

Some Thoughts on 1080p

After reading John’s excellent post over here, I got to thinking about 1080p content (or “difficult” content, really) and how we might be able to better handle it. To begin,...

March 7, 2008

Release 0.1.5: No more fast video

I’m pretty drunk, so there’s a good chance that I’ll screw up this release, but I’ll give it a good run. This is mostly a bug-fix release, with a few...

February 23, 2008

Bad Movie, Good News

Last night I was forced to watch Rumor Has It. I say forced, but actually I was staring at the screen transfixed the entire time, not because of the acting...

January 25, 2008

Shortest Release Cycle Ever: 0.0.6

OK, I figured out why DTS wasn’t working. I suppose it would help to actually build libDTS. Now passthrough works with both AC3 and DTS for me and Scott, who...

January 25, 2008

Release 0.0.5: Better AC3 passthrough?

OK, my head is still spinning from all the CoreAudio reading and VLC/Portaudio source browsing I’ve been doing. I’ve made a few changes that seem to help out the passthrough...

January 21, 2008

Much progress on video

Changes in this version: Videos play at the right speed, and don’t lock up. Even seeking works. Audio now works during video playback, including DTS and AC3 passthrough!! SDL’s OpenGL...

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Accessing your iTunes library is a premium feature and requires a Plex Pass subscription.
