Category: Plex Media Server

April 2, 2008

Roadmap improved

We’ve restructured the milestones on our Trac site to correspond to specific versions and better illustrate the bugs and features that will make it into these versions. A few things...

March 30, 2008

Release 0.4.0: Python and Virtual File System

It’s been hell trying to get anything done lately. A friend is in town getting married and we’ve been partaking in all the wedding activities, which involve an ungodly amount...

March 22, 2008

Good news and bad news

The good news is that I’ve made substantial progress in getting Python to work in OSXBMC. The bad news? I’m now addicted to the Tetris script and likely won’t get...

March 17, 2008

Release 0.1.7: A Few Small Repairs

I had a bit of time to patch a few holes, so hopefully this will fix some issues with the last release. This version is also built with the new...

March 8, 2008

Release 0.1.6: For RAW lovers

A few quick changes, so that I can go off and enjoy the weekend…the release can be downloaded here. NEW: Improved handling of situations where display refresh rate < video...

March 8, 2008

Some Thoughts on 1080p

After reading John’s excellent post over here, I got to thinking about 1080p content (or “difficult” content, really) and how we might be able to better handle it. To begin,...

March 4, 2008

Quick Update

I’m working on getting a new release out the door, hopefully within the next day or two. The main focus is bug-fixes, but it will also include a highly desired...

February 27, 2008

Release 0.1.4: Pink-be-gone!

The big change in this release (or perhaps the one which will make the most people happy) is the fix for the “pink screen” issue affecting GMA X3100 video hardware....

February 27, 2008

X3100 problem fixed!

I need to clean up some code and then I’ll make a release later on tonight (and check in my changes, sorry it’s been so long). It turned out to...

February 26, 2008

X3100 Battle Continues

Very strange…there appears to be something fundamentally wrong or different with the X3100, as best I can tell from my extremely limited experience with such things. Which probably means I’m...

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O melhor do Plex

Roadmap improved is a premium feature and requires a Plex Pass subscription.

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