Category: iOS

March 12, 2011

Coming Attractions (parts 2 and 3)

(Two posts combined into one due to giant waves and radioactive lizards.) First, a few quick things I forgot to mention in the last post: Easy media moves: One of...

October 23, 2010

Plex v0.9.1

Without further ado, we’d like to introduce you to the latest version of Plex/Nine. It’s much more stable, it’s faster, has more features, and it’s also much shinier than the...

April 27, 2010

Hardware Accelerated H.264 Decoding on Plex

It’s been just a few days since Apple finally released their Video Decode Acceleration Framework Reference, but Ryan has been working hard and we have some exciting news to share...

October 26, 2009

Plex 0.8.3: Let it Snow (Leopard)!

UPDATE: IOSPIRIT has resolved the issue with the Candelair driver causing issues with Leopard booting. New driver version is up on their site and will be available via built-in update...

October 23, 2009

Snow Leopard thaws to the Apple Remote, thanks to Remote Buddy Author

One of our biggest disappointments with Snow Leopard was the fact that third party support for the Apple Remote was changed (or broken), and applications like Plex, EyeTV and VLC...

September 10, 2009

Plex on Snow Leopard: Issues and Workarounds

Snow Leopard is out, and we just wanted to take a minute and update you all on how Plex runs on this great new OS. Thanks to reports from our...

August 31, 2009

New Plug-in Release: That Guy with the Glasses

We have another plug-in for your viewing pleasure, while we sort out the Snow Leopard compatibility issues. Written by Gordon Johnston, That Guy with the Glasses is your one stop...

June 2, 2008

Use the Source, Luke

OK, so you’d like to build from source and contribute to the project. Git (and GitHub) make this really easy, and give you powers far beyond what non-distributed version control...

April 8, 2008

Release 0.4.5: An interim release

The Apple Remote work is taking a bit longer than I expected, so another release is probably a good idea, to share some of the bug-fixes and new features that...

March 25, 2008

More Python goodness

I fixed a few more issues with Python, and now Apple Movies Trailers work! Browsing, playing, it all works. I did need to replace some of the Python libraries in...

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Le meilleur de Plex

Coming Attractions (parts 2 and 3) is a premium feature and requires a Plex Pass subscription.

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