Plex Community Guidelines

Similar to our Plex Forum guidelines, we want our community to be able to share their thoughts, opinions, and reactions in a safe and civil environment. These guidelines apply to all user generated content on our service, such as reviews, comments, shares, and your community profile. Remember, participating in our community is still subject to our Terms of Service, too, so make sure you've read through those.

Be respectful

  • Diverse tastes and opinions make for a rich, rewarding community experience. We encourage you to share yours as often as you like, but please do so respectfully.
  • Just like you get to have—and share—your opinion, this is a place for others to do the same.
  • Keep things on topic (i.e. related to movie/show content). If we’re talking Terminator 2, don’t chime in with a hot take on today’s weather.

Be creative

  • Got a weird theory about what really happened in that one episode? Let’s hear it!
  • Don’t plagiarize or pass others’ work as your own. If you’re quoting from another work or review, give credit where it’s due.
  • Feel like no one’s talking about an obscure indie film you just watched? Or no one’s saying what they really feel about a popular show? Be the first to share it here.

Don’t be a jerk

  • Any form of harassment, intimidation, threats, impersonation, or abuse will not be tolerated.
  • Avoid making suggestive, sexually explicit, aggressive, inappropriate, or otherwise unwelcome statements. We’re here because we want to share how much we love movies and TV. Don’t ruin it for everyone else.
  • Profanity is allowed (we all feel strongly about what we like and dislike) but keep it at a minimum. Plex will take into account context and tone in our review, but in general let’s keep it “PG-13” (e.g. one F-bomb is fine but let’s not get carried away).
  • Although we’re not here to judge anyone’s lifestyle choices, excessive references to drugs and drug use unrelated to relevant content may be flagged.

Don’t discriminate

  • Hate speech has no place in the Plex Community. This means absolutely no content that attacks or incites violence towards anyone based on race, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
  • This policy also applies when making references to elements of a fictional story (e.g. movie plot), its characters (real or fictional) as well as remarks about actors/cast or casting decisions in a film/show.

Don’t spread false information or spam

  • We like reading about wacky or unusual theories about movies and shows, but no one likes being lied to or reading fake information.
  • We will remove and/or take action against any content that shares or spreads misinformation, disinformation, false statements in general (about current events or fictional stories/characters), and spamming (including blatant or excessive advertising or irrelevant topics in a thread).

Don’t spoil things for others

  • Not everyone has a chance to see a movie/episode/show the minute it comes out. When sharing potential spoilers, enable the spoiler warning when writing a review.

Keep personal information to yourself

  • Don’t share any personal data, whether yours or anyone else’s.
  • By personal data, we mean: any information that could be traced indirectly or directly to disclose the identity of an individual. Examples include (but are not limited to): phone numbers, full names, email address, physical address (i.e. doxxing), etc.

Avatar Guidelines

In addition to written content, this policy applies to visual images as well. Avatar images CANNOT have imagery that:

  • Contains nudity
  • Promotes or glorifies violence, crime, or obscenity
  • Is offensive or disturbing or likely to cause outrage, general disapproval, or negative opinion within the community
  • Constitutes, facilitates or promotes illegal products, services, or activities
  • Contains material that is fraudulent, defamatory, or harassing to any individual or group
  • Portrays minors (or persons who appear to be underage) in a manner that is sexually suggestive or otherwise age-inappropriate

Additional Information

At Plex we will respect the different laws and content regulation policies in the regions where Plex is available. Plex’s community guidelines are a living document that will be updated to reflect and adapt to a changing society.

Plex uses automated systems to review what is posted on our platform. Individuals may report content they feel violates these rules and they will be reviewed by our moderation team. Plex reserves the right to remove or take appropriate action against any violation of these policies. This includes:

    • Removing content that violates these rules
    • Limiting the ability for your account to interact with others
    • Temporarily suspending or permanently banning your account from accessing Plex

    If your content is removed from Plex or we take another moderation action related to your Plex account, you will be notified via email, which will include information indicating which policy was violated as well as the process for appealing that decision if you disagree.

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