Category: Roku

November 30, 2017

Plex News Updates

This year it seems like we’ve had extraordinarily weird news. With many upset that Boaty McBoatface was overturned, Trainy McTrainface has risen like a Phoenix born from the ashes of...

October 12, 2017

Live TV for Roku

We’ve devoted countless hours to enhancing Plex in order to connect people to the media that they love, including your regularly scheduled programming. If you’re a Plex Pass subscriber streaming...

September 26, 2017

All the News That’s Fit to Plex

Today we’re rolling out an awesome addition to your balanced media diet: Plex News. It’s the perfect complement to your media library — video news from some of the most...

November 1, 2016

Trick or Stream!

If you’re wondering how frighteningly busy (warning: we still have lots of terrible Halloween puns on the brain) we’ve been this past month, you needn’t look further than our Release...

May 31, 2016

Plex Gazette: May Edition

Hello Plexians! We just thought we’d take a quick break from all the hard work and let you know what we’ve been up to for the last few weeks. We’ll...

March 31, 2016

Best Platform of the People Gets Life-Changing Update

Dear fellow Plexians, it’s been far too long. So where do we go and what do we do when you don’t hear from us for a while on the blog?...

August 25, 2015

Graduation day! The Roku and Xbox 360 apps are now free for everyone!

We come bearing great news today: The all-new Roku app and the Xbox 360 apps are graduating from their Plex Pass preview period, and are now free for everyone! That’s right,...

February 24, 2015

Brand New Plex App on the Platform of the People

As you all know, we’ve been working tirelessly to bring Plex to every last screen on the planet. Like, tirelessly. As in not resting. And honestly, we thought we were...

November 20, 2014

Introducing Plex Home

Well, it’s been a little while since we brought you the previous Most Requested Plex Feature Ever (trailers and extras), and as it turns out in the intervening months a...

December 20, 2013

Plex Companion for Roku, Windows 8.1, and Windows Phone 8

Working harder than the elves at the North Pole (although with a higher blood eggnog content), we’ve pushed updates in the last few days to our Roku, Windows 8, and Windows...

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